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  • Cade-Mason

My Future Self and Aspirations - Careers, intentions, and goals inside Creative Media industries

Updated: May 25, 2022

During my HND years at Nescot College, I have been coming up with multiple plans for myself in the future after college. What is that I want to do? What am I going to do? How will I go about it? There are 2 paths I can take: 1. Get an apprenticeship in the video games or visual effects industry. This would be the shorter path but would bring me in with less experience and a poorer portfolio. My weaknesses could be exposed more due to inexperience, and I could learn a lot from it and this can benefit me in terms of career, portfolios, and experiences. If I chose this path, I'd have to go looking for apprenticeships after I leave Nescot College. I'd post my CV and Portfolio on my indeed and LinkedIn profiles and either play catch or wait for the people to see if they'll hire me. Although the former is something I'll have to do. I will research companies locally or within the city of London to find out and see whos hiring for certain job roles in the video games and visual effects industries. If I'm ever showing my portfolio, I want it to be the best pieces of work I've done or created throughout the years I've had my portfolios for. Which will be listed in the blog below. 2. Post-college: work on my portfolio, and apply for jobs. This is essentially the longer path and a straightforward one. What I want to do with my portfolio is I could come up with a couple of passion projects for myself each year. One VFX and One Game Project. Some can be assets and others can involve filmmaking. I'm listing examples here. The projects can either be long-term or short-term. For example, I was involved in a discussion with my friends a while back and they were talking about creating a video game. In the meantime, I'll start looking for jobs through LinkedIn and Indeed. My portfolio (aka my blogsite) has all of the work I have created from my college years and this started with Level 2 Creative Media all the way up to Level 5 HND Creative Media (VFX). Therefore, there are 4-5 years of my portfolio work here. If I'm honest, with my portfolio and qualifications gained over the years, I should have a good chance of getting into the video games and/or VFX industry HOWEVER, I feel that I am not greatly confident in my skills yet but I am proud of where I'm at and have been working on myself for the past 2 years. If there is one role I feel most confident and experienced in it would be 3D Modelling. I have created multiple 3D assets for the past 4 years. The 3D assets I'm most proud of are: piranha plant

the 3D assets used to create my ISIW project (NextGen Level 3 Year 2):

If there are any 3D modeling artist or even runner jobs that employers are hiring for, I will sign myself up and hand in my CV, see if I get an interview, and show off my portfolio, For each job, I will make adjustments to my CV to convince the employers that I aiming to get the desired job. Alternative roles I feel I may be good at are game design jobs. My game design documents and level design in games are what I'm proud of and I enjoy creating game levels. A game that I made for an assignment (Unit 44 - Advanced Game Development) is a game that I made by myself and one that I'm most proud of because the game in itself is functional and I had managed to make a functional game and its one that was simple but achievable in the process. The game I made is an endless runner game that was created in Unreal Engine 4. If you want to find out more please take a look at this section in the blog: I have all of my research and development blogs, I have my game development materials, my evaluations, etc. As for alternative job roles in VFX, I can go for a runner's role and see how I go from there. If not, I could see if I can a job in matte painting, and matte painting is essentially creating non-fiction paintings or fictional world paintings in visual effects. Back on the NextGen Level 3 course, I did a synoptic project in my 2nd year for the course. What I ended up doing was a VFX project and my job role was a matte painter. Originally, we were meant to do a live shot if you want to find out more about the synoptic project click the links below:

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