On 8/11/18 on the last lesson, Sam told us to open up Autodesk Maya and get our blueprints ready. To prepare our files we did: "Project Window > Set project > save scene as." I named it: "Star Wars X Wing" We had to make a new files in source images folder and named it as 'Image Planes'. From there I opened up the image planes file. However, they weren't there so I've had to go into photoshop, saved each view as one image as a PNG file.
Once I got the project set, I obtained my files (front, rear, side and top view) for X Wing. After that, I put them all together in their perspective places. Moving on forward, we had produced a box to meet the dimensions of an X Wing. The dimensions of the X Wing 29cm in length and 25cm in length. What we had to was produce a box of that length. What was lacking in detail was the depth so I put the depth to 20cm. What I did to mine was I made sure the edges of the side view were a little out of the box so I would know where the edges and the box meets.
Here are the screenshots:

Overall, I think I'm doing fine with the blue print so far. I am definitely on my way.