During our procress of producing Star Wars vehicles, Sam recommended us to create a plan on how we'd produce the vehicles. At first he gave us 20 minutes to do although some took longer than others. In fact, It almost took me one entire lesson but I wanted to think this carefully and approach it in an efficient matter.
With that being said, on the second lesson (13/11/18), I went onto produce my ship, I will admit it was quite fiddily due to a very disruptive problem. The problem was that the blueprints of the planes got in the way. It was the field/area that kept disrupting the model area. This got me annoyed to some extent for that reason. Because I wasn't paying attention to what Sam had said (whilst producing the ship pratically), he gave advice to lock my imageplanes. Thankfully, he showed me how to do it.
When I produced the ship I used; extruding, mirroring, pivoting, scaling, scaling, moving vertexes and edges, quad view (to co-operate for the nose/tip part for the X Wing.), meshing and combining.
Anyhow here is the progress for the X Wing:

Here are some MORE screenshots of the progress I (did) made; although this time, I forgot to save:

So, this was where I got up to orignally... however, this is where I took off instead from square one.
