On 29/11/18, I finally got on to UV texturing part of the X Wing! And to be honest, it was very finicky. I intended to do a lot of cutting and sewing for both UV mapping and 3D model. Some times it got messy and at other times it got neat. With that being said, here's my progress on the fidget spinner:

Due to inconveniences, I forgot where my last save of my file was so I started back to square one with the UV. When I did so... this appeared. Texture map wireframe looked very messy. So I received a lot of help from a student, Kieran and my teacher, Sam. I struggled a lot with this. So, with that out of the way, here's the screenshots for my UV-ing X Wing progress. And to be honest, this was very tricky and finicky:

I also used the smoothing tool when meshing the main body for my X Wing.

From there, I used create > automatic.

The entire UV map of the X Wing.

Sam helped me out with the extruding at the back. I did the finishing touches myself.

My design time teacher, Luca helped me out when I was trying to adjust my UV mapping.
He used: unfolding, UV shells, cutting and stitching

I then went on to finishing the rest of my UV maps for the wing. With that being said, here's some of the captures of the UV map:

Once the UV map for the wing was done, I deleted the rest of the wings that had the messy UV map. Why I did this was because I duplicated my wings and from there, went onto flip the wings and mirror them. I did the -1 on the X axis.

My design time teacher, Luca, helped me out with the UV mapping. What he did was he dragged the mouse on a certain part of the texture that was off. The back part of the X Wing and these were the results.

The texture was scaled and rotated. Afterwards, the bottom part of the back was unfolded. However, the tools used for the top back of the X Wing were unfold tool, rotations (which was first used) and scaling.

Overall, I am satisfied with how the UV textures for the X Wing has turned out. All I need to do now is texture the X Wing itself.