On 06/11/18, Sam demonstrated to the students a model of a star wars ship and told us to look up "star wars ship/vehicle blueprints". This was to help for a more better and precise accuracy when producing the model. Supposedly, this is to help us produce the ship/vehicle to a better standard. I chose the X Wing because I love the design and it's one of my favourite ships in Star Wars. We opened up Photoshop to get our blueprint designs from the internet. What we did was use the ruler and implemented a ton of cyan guides. From there, we used the magic wand or quick selection tool. I found this to be somewhat fiddly because of how bad it got. After that, I created a new file with the exact same dimensions but squashed to about 1000 x 1000 to make it look square. Then from there I implemented the guides onto each corner of the blueprint views. I had to deal with 4 views.
With that out of the way, here are screenshots of the ship itself:
