Continuing on from the process of making the revolver, I was advised by a teacher to go with the UDIM workflow. Before going into the UDIM workflow, I did 'edit > delete all by type > history'. I renamed certain parts of geometry. In other cases, any other geometry that wasn't around the geometry area I deleted. I was grouping up the geometry surfaces and put them into groups. I did 'edit > group'. In some cases, I had to ungroup the geometry as they allocated in the wrong areas.
During this process, I was fixing the geometry by making improvements to geometry. I bridged the edges to create faces. To set up the VFX shot I set up the camera and changed it to the render_camera. This render camera. In the render settings, I changed the presets HD_540 to HD_1080
The next part of the process:
In the UV editor, I was using UV layouts for UV shells. I was doing the texel density then I used the UV layouts with percentage spaces of 1.0000 with the Legacy Method. In some cases, the UV shells were too small so I had to space them out. In other cases, the UV shells were too big so I had to lessen the space. For this part, I did subdivisions by 1 by smoothing the geometry. I duplicated the original geometry which is unsmoothed then with the duplicated copy of the revolver I smoothed.
For this part I exported the textures by doing FBX exports. If you're missing a plug in that you want to use, go to 'window > settings/preferences > plug-in manager'.
You can search for the plugin there. In my case I needed 'fbxmaya.mll' and 'gameFbxExport.mll'.
Due to inconveniences within the workflow, I had to go back and make some improvements. One issue I had was that I could not load the 3D scene into Substance painter and it had to do with vertices and face issues. Awaiting feedback to improve upon my work, I had a meeting with my teacher, Sam who gave me advice on how I could bring the 3D scene into Substance and UV issue improvements. In the next blog of this series, I go over the improving the UVs, texturing in substance painter and render set up for the asset for the 3D assets click the link below: