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Unit 35 - Creating a wireframe for the website.

In this blog, I go over the process of making my own wireframe for the website. The purpose of creating a wireframe is that it is...

Task 4 Unit 1, Research findings and product ideas

In this unit, I will present my research findings and the product ideas that stemmed based on my project from Unit 23 - Game Design. My...

Task 3 Unit 1, Research findings

In this talk, I will present my research findings. The research findings will align with my game. I will include references from the...

2D Game Kit in Unity

I used a 2D Game Kit to try out and utilise the 2D game kit in preparation for when I start to produce my game prototype for Unit 23 -...

3/05/2021-10/05/2021 - Unit 1 Task 6 logbook

05/05/2021 - After nearly a week of creating my survey for the game project I decided to screenshot the evidence of the graphs and...

Fleshing out ideas + Research in game development.

In this blog, I will be going over the upcoming games in relation to my game development. Before we get into the research aspect; I want...

Unit 1, Task 1- Project Management Plan

In this task, I had to create a project management plan for a game. An independent company has stepped forward and wanted me to carry out...

26/04/2021-2/05/2021 Unit 1 Task 6 logbook

In this logbook, I go over what I have done for unit 1's assignment during the period of this blog weekly. These blogs are essential I...

Unit 19 - Task 3 - Boxing Rotoscope

For this task, we had to rotoscope frames. We were giving certain frames to Rotoscope for the boxing video. in my case, I rotoscoped...

Unit 20 - Task 5 3D Asset review

Welcome to the review of my created 3D assets. In this blog, I will talk about the progress on the 3D assets, the changes I made, what...

Unit 19 - VFX Practices - Task 2 - Planar Tracking

In this task, we were to find a video on pexels for our planar tracker shots. Ideally, the setting of the video had to be on the streets,...

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