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Blueprints and exercise: 6. Advanced Blueprint Concepts 1


In this blueprint series, I will be going over the process on exercise 6 Let's begin: For the first exercise of lecture 6 I added point lights and trigger volumes. I opened up the project in Unreal Engine 4. The goals and outcomes are on the lecture 6 brief.

In Unreal Engine I selected the "Actor" asset and created a new "blank blueprint class" from there, I got a cube mesh (aka "1M_Cube".) this cube mesh would be a way to tell a player that lights could turn on or off. I added 4 "pointlights", used a "TriggerVolume" and "open level blueprint" (ThirdPersonExampleMap). Inside the blueprint I created a variable called "Lamps" and its variable type is "Point Light" and the array object reference.

Inside the "event graph" I created the nodes: OnActorBeginOverlap (TriggerVolume) > For Each Loop > Toggle Visibility

For Each Loop's component (Exec) is linked to the OnActorBeginOverlap's execution pin and the other component "For Each Loop" (Loop Body) pin is linked to Toggle Visibility. In the play window I tested out the player character to trigger the lights. After play testing I created an "enumeration" blueprint and renamed it to "EMeshType". Then I created "BP_Enum".

The second exercise of lecture 6 I was tasked with creating enumerations, static meshes and building construction strips.

Inside the "BP_Enum" blueprint, I created a "StaticMesh" component. Then created a variable called 'MeshTypeEnum" and its variable is "EMesh Type". I selected the variable and changed the "closed eye" icon to an "open eye" icon. Inside the "construction script" I created a few nodes those nodes in the following order are: Switch on EMeshType Get EMeshEnum Get Static Mesh and 3 Set Static Meshs. The reason why there are 3 static meshes are needed so I could give each "New mesh" component a different mesh to them (which is shown in the screenshots.). Back inside the level editor window I added 3 "BP_Enum" objects into the scene.

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