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11/05/2021-18/05/2021 - Unit 1 Task 6 logbook

This is the third logbook. For this logbook, I will talk about tasks 2-4.

13/05/2021 - I've been working on tasks 2-4 simultaneously throughout my double lesson. I will be posting my work up to David so he can take a look at my work. Having said this I am also waiting on for feedback on task 1's project management plan. I am adding more depth and detail to tasks 2-4 as I felt I need to research into the topic some more at hand.

I submitted tasks 2-4 on google classroom. I uploaded the stuff that I had done so far for the tasks and I am awaiting feedback.

17/05/2021 - I will be picking up on a presentation that I started a while back as that is the only thing left I have yet to do.

I went through aa performance review of what went well, what went wrong and what could've been better. I am trying to summarise these in few points possible. I was critically thinking over the things that had occurred throughout the unit itself.

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