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Unit 36 - Collaborative Project - Week 9

On 26/11/21, I was at college by myself working on the collaborative website. Chase and Jess couldn't make it in as they were ill so I decided to take responsibility and work on the website myself. I had a look at the wireframe Jess uploaded through the shared folder on Google Drive. This made things more challenging as I was working by myself and I didnt wanted to bother anyone else at the time of working that day I was trying to think of what else there was to do. Therefore I went a head and looked into the newly created website design and templates myself. During the time I was making the website I had also come up with an idea in mind was that if we could speak to the head of media department (Louise), we could ask her if she could share our website to promote the Creative Media HND course at Nescot. Having said this our website needs to be polished up and looks professional and formal enough before the review process starts.

On 02/12/2021, during the night time, I decided to check and have a look to see what blogs my team had uploaded or have saved in drafts for. It turns out that Jess has already published one blog and Chase has one of his blogs drafted. Given the time constraints I think our team needs to pick up the pace a little more, personally speaking; I wanted to upload all of my important blog work and portfolio from last academic year onto the newly created blog website so I am glad but at the same time am concerned for others. I havent checked to see if there were any changes to the website so that will be my next task.

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Unit 36 Collaborative Project

In this unit, we are to produce a creative media promotional campaign and find a client (Business, charity or cause). From there we are to choose their own topic and include the overall theme, role of

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