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  • Writer's pictureCade.M

Fidget Spinner

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

In our 3D Modelling lessons with Sam, we had to produce a fidget spinner. On 30/10/18 is when we started creating our fidget spinner. When we came back on term 2, our progress was hindered due to servers and internet being down. Therefore, it made things a lot more inconvenient so our teacher, Sam lended out the task to produce a fidget spinner. We had to go on our phones and search up 'fidget spinner' on google. Afterwards, I went onto auto desk Maya and from there, Sam demonstrated techniques and tools to use when making the fidget spinner. Consisting of: beveling, bridging, meshing etc. We produced pipe around 18-24 subdivisions. Why we chose pipes because this was the appropriate material for producing a fidget spinner. More over, we added a cylinder which then goes inside the pipe itself, although adapting it's height to replicate the finger tip part of the fidget spinner. What Sam advised us to do was delete 2 thirds or 3 quarters of the pipe depending how many sides the fidget spinner will have. I deleted 2 thirds since I'm going for a 3 sided fidget spinner. Whilst producing the fidget spinner, I produced two pipes. One to delete 2 thirds of the pipe (which is the center) and the other being the whole pipe. From there, I deleted faces to bridge and combine the two pipes into one. This was to produce on third of the fidget spinner itself. As for the bridge however, I went with 4 subdivisions to make the bridge of the subdivisions square. What I did for the whole pipes (aka fidget spinner side-faces) I did a lot of extruding (CTRL + E) I went up and down with the things. Because of this, I tried achieving attention to detail. Personally thought I did okay with it despite a couple of hiccups but got there in the end. Once all of that was done, we all had to duplicate one side of a fidget spinner two times. CTRL + D is the way to duplicate. Speaking of which, I messed up on that part. I ended doing CTRL + C and then CTRL + V to copy and paste and it didn't go as planned. Several times, several times I did this! With that out of the way, here's my progress on the fidget spinner:

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