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  • Writer's pictureCade.M

The History of Video Games and the Next Generation.

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

I will be going over the 8 generations of video games. I decided to go backwards. Meaning we'll be starting with generation 8. Therefore, it is rewind time, fellow gamers! Generation 8: (2012-current) Nintendo Switch and Wii U, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Wii U, PS Vita and mini retro consoles. The latest generation. This generation has had many things going for it. Such as marketing, innovating the past with modern influences, live services, online cloud gaming, DLC and microtransaction (which is a controversial topic) business practices and the digital trend etc. Games such as Last of Us, God of War, Uncharted and Halo have heavily cinematic elements. This generation has diversed the games elements such as diversity, cinematic elements, broader audiences and demographics and bigger promotions and marketing.

Generation 7: (2005-2012)Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo DS and Playstation Portable. This is where games were advancing more into the digital and online trend, blu rays and most consoles produced multiple versions of the console itself. I.e Xbox 360 Slim, Elite, Playstation 3 Super Slim, Nintendo DSi series and PSP GO and 2000. This generation in particular was a new breakthrough in technology. In particular, Xbox 360 and PS3 are capable of being rendered into HD and was a push in the capabilities of technology. Games such as Last of Us, Halo 3, Uncharted and Crysis were capable of pushing technology to its limits.

Generation 6: (1998-2005) Nintendo Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox Original, Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Gameboy Advance. This is where games started to slowly but surely implement and advance game factors such as voice recordings, sound effects, 3D graphics and cinematic cutscenes. And the gameboy advance being the first console to have backlit. This generation was known for being the 128-bit generation. This created a new generation and a wave of popular franchises such as Kingdom Hearts, God of War,

Generation 5: (1993-1998)Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Atari Jaguar, Playstation 1. This generation is filled to the brim with classics such as Final Fantasy 7, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid, Crash Bandicoot and Goldeneye 007. The classics are revolutionary for the time they came such as cinematic cutscenes, 3D graphics, charm and voice acting. Did you know that this generation in particular was the first generation to push 3D graphics and it's capabilities in its console. Well if you look at some of the 3D games such as King's Field, Final Fantasy 7, Panzer Dragoon Saga and Super Mario 64 they haven't aged well although are revolutionary. This is also where Sony started to get into the video game trend by creating the infamous playstation.

Generation 4: (1987-1993) Super Nintendo, Nintendo Gameboy, Sega Mega Drive and Sega Gamegear. The generation that rose out famous franchise such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Kirby. Known for it's 16-bit generation there are games that looked great for it's time. i.e Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Streets of Rage 2, Street Fighter 2. Star Fox was in fact a famous game that pushed the technical capabilites by using 3D prototype graphics.

Generation 3: (1983-1987) Nintendo Entertainment System (aka Famicom in Japan), Atari 7800 and Sega Master System. The 8-bit generation. The company; nintendo created the most famous and memeorable gaming franchises on the gaming market such as Mario, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda and Castlevania which were born on the third generation. Believe it or not; the third generation could've been its last had it not been Nintendo's consoles and iconic games. Did you know that; Nintendo's Game & Watch series was the first ever handheld console?

Generation 2: (1976-1983) Magnavox Odyssey 2 and Intellivision. The sequels generation that follows on from the first generation.

Generation 1: (1972-1976) Magnavox Odyssey and Commodore TV game. The oldest generation and simplified computing game of graphics and gameplay.

Predictions and thoughts for the next generation:

So, where does the next generation lead us? I for one think that the next generation will push technology even further such as upscaled 4K being the next step standard in video games. Theres been many rumors and spec lation going around for the Playstation 5. Being rumoured to be a powerful console and that Microsoft will have touch competition for the next generation for Sony's PlayStation 5. This could imply that the specs go up and consoles that have the equivalent specs to that of a high end PC. Meaning that the prices could be higher and at an even demanding and better value for the money. Furthremore, the next generation could certainly be the last generation for physical games to become extinct. It'll also push cloud gaming even further. Pushing the capabilities and relevancy that is cloud gaming. Honestly, I hope the next generation will be better than the current generation. I will admit, I'm gonna keep my expectations for consoles and games on standard rather than being high. What I noticed was that I had high expectations for some video games that came out this generation.

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