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  • Writer's pictureCade.M

Pythagoras and Trigonometry

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

On 5/11/18 for the Maths and Logic fundamental with Leigh. We were being taught: Trigonometry. Trigonometry can be used in many real life applications. Architecture, game design, criminology, sound being a few examples. Fact: Trigonometry (from greek) 'trigonon' is "triangle" + 'metron' is "measure". So it means Trinagle-Measure in greek.

Trigonometry uses the elements of cosine, tangents, equations, square roots and the 3 main elements of trigonometry (Hypotenuse, Adjacent and Opposite). Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right angled triangle, opposite the right angle.

During the last 30-20 minutes of the first lesson, a new teacher named, Ioh (for the first time), taught us the ways of trigonometry. One advice that I found to be memorable was: Old Harry And His Old Aunt. SOHCAHTOA. Why I found this memorable is because of the caps used in each word. You could say that O.H.A.H.O.A is an acronym to 'Old Harry And His Old Aunt' and the 'O', 'H', 'A' are letters used in SOHCAHTOA. He also taught us the sins and 2 π is 360 and π is 180 although knowing the π's before.

In our last lesson of Trigonometry, we were given the task to use the coding given to use. From there, we would create some kind of language or code to function the program. Being new to coding, I struggled and received the help. Here's screenshots of what I performed for coding:

Personally, I feel like I'm getting better at coding very slowly by small margins. Will take me a while but I will get there in the end. What I did when producing the coding in Jupyter is; I produced the coding and then would copy and paste frequently onto Python. However a problem that occured to me multiple times was that the typo and paragraph errors. This will be something I'll keep in mind.

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