On Leigh's Fundamental Programming Skills lessons (30/11/2018), we've been doing coding over the first two lessons. Now unfortunately on my end, I don't have a screenshot for the aliens pygame coding which actually functions. So here's a screenshot of the coding anyway:

To function the code appropriately after the mistake: Press CTRL + Z and it'll give you 'Z:\>^Z' for the code. Then on the same line type: "python -m pygames.examples.aliens. So after giving it a demo, we then went onto to this URL http://programarcadegames.com/python_examples/f.php?file=bouncing_balls.py
This is for another coding game scripted in python. From there we messed around with the coding.
Here's some screenshots from the coding:

Here's some captures of the bouncing ball game:

After Jupyter, I used Python to copy and paste the code. From there, I changed the background and balls. When I booted it up, it wouldn't launch so I had to figure out how to do it. In one of the other commands (which I didn't realise I had to change that command for the ball color. Speaking of ball colour, the numbers were done in RGB.

With that being said here's some screenshots of my work progress:
