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  • Writer's pictureCade.M

Production Management

Updated: May 18, 2020

On 07/10/2019, my class we're introduced to Production Managements. We went into:

  • Typical Pipelines

  • Job Roles

  • Career Maps

Now for starters, I know the job I am destined to look for and partake in my career; Video Games industry. Personally, the job roles I want to aim for are: Games designer

Games tester

Games developer

The Career maps for the video game indsutry is a big one including certain roles and elements of VFX and Animation. It all comes in to one industry making it very diverse to its own regard.

I will now go over Typical Pipelines Video games > VFX > Animation

Video game typical pipelines

AAA Production pipelines for indie teams

AAA = high budget, high expectations

Production pipeline

The video I watched covered indie teams and character pipelines

Indie team = small, self-funded and low budget

small file sizes

2D games are cheaper but look timeless, therefore, indie teams would resort to 2D games rather than 3D games as they use a lot more money and isn't a good idea if you're on a budget. However, the 3D Process is just as identical as 2D when operating in DragonBones

Sending documents to communicate with teams is a good idea to pitch your ideas forward. Using annotations as communicating creates good communication skills.

The software that was used for character sprites and animations was called D20 Studios. It's software that integrates, objects, characters, etc.

D20 Studios doesn't use code.

VFX Pipeline


Script breakdown/bidding

(Excel/Word, final draft / Adobe / Story) VFX Supervisor

Pitch/Reel. Demo to client your studio capabilities

(Final cut, premiere) VFX Producer/Supervisor

VFX Concept Art

(Hand Drawn/Photoshop) Concept Artist


(Maya/3D Max/Softimage XSI) 3D Animators


(Animate the camera and characters) Editor

(Cut the sequence with the director)

Uses a 3D model to create a scene and translate it to the animators and camera crew.

VFX Supervisors and Lead Artists keep an eye on the crew on set to visualize the scene through a green screen.

The process of VFX mis on scene:

Colour charts > lens grid shots > caapturing reflections of environments

After the shoot - but before the VFX work begins

Edit to be at a good stage (usually not picture locked but good enough to work from)

Expect VFX shots with frame handles start and end it allows to slip in the edit later. (Editor/VFX Supervisor, Post Facilities) Example: Actual shot is 50 frames however, VFX has provided 70 frames (10 at the start and 10 at the end.) This means that the majority of frames and the shots themselves occur on the actual shot.

Tech grade applies to the shots or at least an LVT provided. (Editor/Post supervisor/VFX supervisor)

VFX workflow CGI/3D

CGI assets creation (modeler, texture artist, shader, environment artist) Using Maya, 3D Studio Mix, Softimage XSI, Cinema 4D or Houdini

Creating assets such as characters, monsters, buildings.

Animation Pipelines:

Animations Pipelines is not a cakewalk or straight forward in the industry. You would be experimenting in animation workflows back to back and go in loops.


Great movie ideas don't jump into ideas. You can create your own story with original ideas by using comic strips, storyboarding etc. The story needs to be visualized by using show and tell techniques. Using storyboards and creating a plentiful amount of drawings for the concepts and thumb-nailing.

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