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  • Writer's pictureCade.M

Horror VR experience project

Updated: May 25, 2020

From 09/09/2019 we we're provided with a 4 week project for a horror VR trailer. As a class our purpose in this task is to create a new VR trailer. We've been split into groups of 4. So there are 4 teams. My teammates are David, Summer, and Charlie. The first day was pre-production (at least for the first week) where I, David, and Charlie brainstormed our ideas. We also took into consideration:

Time and effort

Health and Safety Duration of the video Overall Execution

During that time, Charlie and David produced a storyboard. Originally our story sequence has a police officer investigating the abandoned asylum in search of missing people due to officer's curiosity. The officer sees a shadowy figure at the end of the hallway and has the option to leave or chase it down. If they leave it the game discontinues. If the player follows the shadow figure. The player goes down the end of the hallway. A message occurs: "Some choices shouldn't be made." From there the victim spins and turns only to meet face to face. The monster lunges towards the officer, A message occurs on the screen: "Mistakes were made." I wasn't around on Tuesday (10/09/2019) so it was David, Summer, and Charlie that time around. Then came back on Thursday only to find out that Summer had created an improved storyboards by implementing similar elements to our original storyboard. I liked the storyboard and how the story elements were implemented from our original storyboard.

On 12/09/2019 our group had a discussion on roles on whos doing what, what'll go down this week, and next week. We discussed film locations, risk assessments, what we'll be doing next Monday. For me, next Monday I am going to be creating a CGI balloon. One of my teammates will send the files of the videos to me via Email or USB.

Later on that day I was talking to my teammates that I was thinking of coming up for logos. I was going to produce them in photoshop but at the time I was focusing on my concept art piece so I couldn't get around to that until the next day. On the 13/09/2019 I started to create logos. Our studio's name is called 'Scared Hitless'. I did very small research by finding the definition of hitless. Why Hitless? Because that was our studio's name for the project exclusively for our group. Originally I tried to create a couple of logos of our own but I started to see a lot of resemblances and the inspiration. This was one of the designs that I worked on myself:

Unfortunately it looked too similar to the other designs I saw from the internet as it felt not loose enough then what it should've been. From that point forward I had a discussion amongst the group. Summer said she'd create a logo that I could work on in photoshop. The week after we had tasks set on our end as a team. Charlie, David, and Summer headed off to shoot some video and record at an abandoned house on Monday, Before they headed off I asked Summer about the logo designs and she created one for me in under 10 minutes. From there I discussed with Summer about the design features, what colors to use etc. This here is the rough sketch of the logo itself:

I scanned the logo's rough sketch into the scanner to the computer. I got my image onto the USB and then opened up Photoshop and made progress.

One issue I had at a certain point was the color. I changed the image > mode from Grayscale to RGB Color. This feature asked me to merge the colors however I went with "Don't merge".

Once that was out of the way I proceeded to create different layers and start coloring in the design itself. My classmate, Louis pointed out a similar design to what I did from a series: He-man masters of the universe. The moment he mentioned that I could not unsee it at all.

As you can see on the left-hand side I added the word 'Scared Hitless' onto the teeth. I liked and disliked the idea and execution. I liked it because it fills something in the teeth. What I disliked about it was the sheer perspective and on top of that, one tooth would've been missing a logo. Therefore, it drove my OCD insane. Our group has a group chat on Snapchat which is dedicated to this project. I showed them the progress of the logo that was created so far. I showed them the outlines, the red eyes, and the controller features from the face (which got scrapped).

On the 19/09/2019, our group went off to do some recording for our actors. We borrowed Aiden and Alex from our group to perform voice acting. The acting process took a while but we got there in the end. Recorded over 50 mono sound clips although we got rid of some of them because A. They were bloopers or B. Mistakes were made during the recordings. I organized the media files and renamed files. Then in the afternoon David looked over the clips we had for our trailer. The duration itself was 1 minute and 45 seconds. We've been told by Leigh to not go over a minute for this trailer. David has been trying to trim the trailer down to a minute it's a difficult process because the clips themselves get choppy, we need to have Harvey (another actor) for our trailer, the precision will become choppy once cut out and on top of that, there were recordings we performed which go up to a minute. We've been told by Danny that we could edit it whichever way we wanted it to be. Meaning that we could go back to our original duration.

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