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V&A and Tate Britain gallery museum trip

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

On 02/11/2018, the Next Gen students (including myself) went to London to attend the V&A and Tate Britain. First, we visited the V&A gallery at the games exhibition. I saw majority of games I already knew. It consisted of: Last of Us, Journey, Bloodborne, No Mans Sky, Splatoon. It was the first part of the exhbition. I saw concept arts, storyboards, behind the scenes, introductions, commentaries etc. There were couple of games I encountered that I haven't seen before of such as; an indie game and a mobile game etc. Personally, the Bloodborne section was my favourite. Seeing as I have a personal bias aside it unlike most of the other games I saw during the exhibition. Bloodborne to me, is very interesting and a to an extent, original. Why? Because it takes place in a gothic victiorian setting developed by japanese developers into a western themed world.

With that out of the way, what I found appealing about it was the concept arts and level designs. They were crisp, sharp, very precise and intriguing. I was enthusiastic!

With that out of the way, here are some photos I captured:

From there, I moved onto the next part of the exhibition. The second gallery was all about diversity, culture and sexism. I saw it as an advetisment to promote diversityor to get their message across. I moved on to the next section. I came across this colossal screen, may I saw it was amazingly huge!

Moving on to the section, I came across this fancy looking yet out of the ordinary arcade. It wasn't flashing lights, dubstep sound playing thingie majig or anything too modern. In fact, I really liked the appeal of it. Here are the photos I took:

At the very back, you can see a large screen. That is a car driving simulator

A light orieneted play machine. Your this green light in which you have to make it to make it to the top..

We finished the V&A museum. I loved it and personally, found some interesting stuff. I'll admit, the splatoon and no mans sky art was very appealing in the matter. Solely for having bright, postive and primary and secondary hues/color schemes. Went back to London Victoria and had a 90 minute lunch break. Was mostly chill for the most part. After lunch period, we then went to Tate Britain art gallery. I brought my sketchpad and pencils, explored the gallery, took a lot of photos for references and chose 3 choices for reference. Our teacher said to us "Draw a part of the art you liked the most and replicate it." Here are the drawings I produced:

In the drawing order, here are the references and their work:

As you may be able to tell, I like sculptures, 3D models and pop up kind of art. I do like other types of arts outside of that although these were my 3 main choices.

I captured about 10-20 gallery pieces in Tate Britain. Here are the photos I captured:

Overall, I was fascinated towards and Tate Britain museum and V&A. Will be going there again but I dont know when.

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