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  • Writer's pictureCade.M

Nextgen Level 3 Yr 1: World 1: Induction Project

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

The induction project is a group project (consisting of 4-5 people as a group). I was in a group of 4. My team-mates were: Izzy, Jake and Louis. The project is called 'Game Over'. To put it into words, Game Over is a creative media/VFX project which is presented in news format. In the future (year 2052) video games are banned for life under the new law called the 'Fortnite Accords' the rebels/resistance who are against the law who call themselves: Gamers. We went through the 3 stages of production: Pre-Production > Production > Post Production The Pre-Production in our project consisted of: - Storyboarding - Location shots - Mind Mapping - Planning

- Scripting During the process of mind mapping we discussed what roles each person would have: I was the Director, Actor, control room operator and main editor. Izzy was the scripter, mind mapper, camera person Jake was a camera person, sound operator, story boarder and actor Louis was an actor, green screening editor and story boarder For storyboarding we took a story sequence from our mind mapping. Here's the story sequence: (pic here) More over, we implemented the story sequence to our story boards. Therefore, it was an easier and more efficient way of dealing with the induction project. Louis and Jake did the story boarding. Whereas me and Izzy did the scripting in the process. That way, it makes things more efficient and flowing. We took photos of locations where each scene was being shot at. Here are the pictures for our scenes:

Whilst me, Izzy and Jake were around that area we decided to film one of our scenes. I played as a news reporter called Jim. We listened to the wording from the scene (in a perceptive manner) to land it on the script. This was to get that part out of the way despite being in pre production. It may seem strange we did that however, it worked for us. This is where we recorded the scenes for the news anchor and the rebels. Before we did our scenes we had a lesson about the TV studio. Abi was the teacher for the TV Studio. This was where we were given the basics of filming and sound opreating. Thanks to my expertise in filming and sound operating (from a course I did last year), I knew how to use the equipment given to us. I figured I'd advise my team mates on how to use the equipment. Such as the zoom recorder's shot gun mic where it enhances the sound, and the M.A.P.S of the DSLR camera. I managed to get the equipment going for the crew. Although at the time, Louis wasn't there. Location shot: We were given the task of taking photos for location shooting. I saw it as a kind of practice to get us going for filming. Scripting.

Izzy produced the script. This was to help out the actors to know what they're doing and know where the locations are being shot. Here is the script:

Production. The production involved filming. We filmed in the TV studio. Abi gave us a brief/lecture of the control room for the TV studio. There was the hyper deck, light controls and recording device to operate the cameras. Louis played as the news anchor. Two problems we had however was Izzy wasn't around (I was going to ask her to be a rebel) and the audio was off. In addition, the audio and video syncing for the TV studio scenes would be a task for editing. Therefore, we had to use both the zoom recorder and camera at the same time. On the bright side however, Archie joined in to be an actor. He played as a rebel. Because of this, we needed 2 rebels for the last scene so Jake also played as a rebel. The last scene potrays the resistance taking hostage of the news anchor after his rant towards the rebels. Furthermore, they send a message towards the public about their privileges and needs for gaming. The message part was done by audio via zoom recorder. So I did some editing from the audio recording. by using a composition tool to add dialogue from the script itself.

Post Production In our post production involved editing. Editing was fun but got messy on certain occasions which hindered a few problems although I tried my best fixing those problems. For example: the audio syncing. For the first scene and third scene (which was shot in the TV studio.) it took a while to figure out. All I had to do was use the 'speed/duration' tool. This helped syncing the audio and video to an appropriate degree although took a while to adjust. Izzy did the finishing touches to the audio. Another problem I had was on Thursday (20/9/2018) I wasn't in the right frame of mind and mood to produce the video. Furthermore, it made the scenario even worse for us. I had to get to the most functioned computer to get the editing process up and running. 2 of which were audio problems and the third one was where after effects couldn't open. As a team, we all had different kind of tasks. Jake worked on still images, Izzy worked on the rebel voices and the script, Louis did the green screening for the news studio scene. I worked on the editing for seqeunce, audio files and videos from filming and news animation template for the intro. We all agreed to use this one out of the three that were provided.

I adjusted the colors of the template to try and match the colors of our news logo.

PACKAGE 01_BG_01 is the animation template file we used.

Still images Our group produced atleast 3 still images. Me and Jake were the main workers for producing still images. We used Photoshop to produced the images. The tools we used we're Hue/Saturation, brightness, clipping masks etc. Here is Jake's:

These 2 images I took a photo of these in my bedroom and produced an edit in photoshop. And here is mine:

Every student produced their own news logo. Here is my news logo I produced:

The problems I encoutnered during the induction project were: in-competant computers, audio syncing and media files go offline (due to file location). There was one big thing I forgot to add in. That being, the news format. Unfortunately I never got around to it due to being occupied by many tasks as a director. I gave out certain tasks to my team mates so we could co-operate with each other, respond to the work that I gave and see what I could improve on. One of the things I forgot to take out however was the clap effect. I used 3 claps instead of 2 on screen. It was accidental in all honesty. Overall thoughts. I had my fair share of fun with the induction project. Back in Creative Media Level 2, I did something like this very similar. It was a zombie apocalypse and this shared some similarities. For example, the news presentation. We did it in a way to do a news report for the apocalypse. I learned about 1-2 things being the TV studio controls (hyperdeck etc) and how to operate the studio. I played around with it and that was my favorite part of the induction project. During the process, I made some friends and we got along well as a team. Therefore, it made the experience even more fun. Here is a video of our project:

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